
Monster Beats take me…………Remaini

"Is not such~ my owner want" mountain people"all move second especially the orchid lift a Si mainland to go and make me come back to seek this time their head the head company measure this matter of, I mean to say you to have business contacts with them, so want to please to take me…………"Remaining is extraordinary to quickly explain of say
"Ah~do you say Shi Mo?Is your owner getting more crazy?Want to take these people to go to to be second the orchid lift a Si mainland to spend especially how much ah?"Saying of remaining father surprise
"To ah~literally seek severals to play like, also need to bring back a house, ask for trouble …….."The remaining mother immediately after says
"Want to drink milk road up buy one cup like, stem what lead long a group of cows to go home?"Remaining father says
Remaining is extraordinary and discovers that her parents think again at this time slanting, past angry of say:"Roar~my owner because is second the orchid lift occurrence war in the Si mainland to die especially the quite a few is 100,000 people, lack manpower very much now, so want to do emigrant!"
"Is so late to say, however we can not help you, because as for words that help you, that with Hou whom do we buy game and soil wine with?Don't help!Don't help!"Remaining father point nods to say
"Old Mom and Dad, that rather and like this like, I give you 2,000 gold coins annually, you accepted store, however the Hou complete this matter for me always can?Don't forget, 1,000 gold coins are to would not° until you hard earn a the whole year earn of arrive of………….."Remaining is extraordinary to make an effort ground mean to say remaining father remaining mother of say
"2,000 gold coins oh ………but will be little with the Hou much fun…………."Remaining father haggles of say
"Good~want how much I help you again to apply for with owner, as long as don't being too exaggerateding, should can't have a too great problem, so can?"Remaining is extraordinary to impatiently say
"Is all right ……..That agrees verbally like this, however this"mountain people" that takes has 30,000 at least above, you how does the Mo take to pass by?"The remaining mother immediately after asks a way
The mother whom"this you need not worry, as long as be responsible for dealing with contact for me good, conveniently ask him want the condition of Shi Mo, I return to board of trade first, you fix Hou to is Anne to receive forest of second especially the orchid lift Si board of trade to seek me" remaining is extraordinary to picked up burden to toward remaining father remaining says
"Daughter ah~just could not come back will walk for a day, that Mo unique feeling………………"The remaining mother says
"To ah~if you stay more words for a day, I take you to go to meet with the head head of "mountain people" that tomorrow how?"Remaining father immediately after says
"Really?Don't fool me~that my staying one more day Be getting better"remaining is a little bit extraordinary to nod to say
The "now that you decide and stay, the bowl dish of that Hou noodles goes first to wash, accumulate for two days, ha ha ha" remaining mother towards remaining extraordinary say with smile
Remaining is extraordinary to have at this time grow be plotted secretly against of felling………………

The fourth gathers chapter 6(a
Renew time:2008-11-512:04:17 chapter word numbers:2647

Anne receives a forest office
In a little while,Monster Beats, I and the Qi color was good to come right away Hou in the Wu office the manor of the square, sees an around ten thousand half monster the personage soldier chase nearby protective drop water is gastight, I want to have a fly to think has been be pulled out next two feet ………
At this time the Qi color was good to see for a while on all sides, however the Hou towards me to ask a way:"Many people from that Mo in neighborhood protect, this is which ah?"
My hands one stand says:"I also come for the first time so I don't know as well and ask under etc. unique"
I and the Qi color is good at guide down to the manor lord the second floor of the building lord bedroom, see on opening widely a bed to put betwixt and spreads not to know to is the furriery of the animal of Shi Mo on the ground, on opening widely a table to put beside, in addition have no other decorate.
"The person who designs this room really don't taste and wait I to return to afresh painting set up to account a diagram reconstruction like, let everybody cannot see…………"The Qi color is good to say
"Good son, will you draw to design diagram?"I curiously ask a way
"Certainly~I am a genius, the thing of meeting can many!"The Qi color is good proud of say
"That like this like, I want at second especially the orchid lift Si to set up a luxurious city, can you be responsible for a design?"I immediately after ask a way
"Is all right, however you want to first speak your hope with me, just can't do while changing so, troublesome of very" Qi color is a little bit good to nod to say
Kou Kou Kou~suddenly a burst of knock on door a voice, I think to be unique.
"China eldest brother is me, unique" remaining is unique to say outside the door
"Come in" me to toward a door to outside say
Sees unique hand of remaining up take one big book paper and on folding a document to walk to come in, however the Hou makes the thing stands towarding I on big table of to say:"China eldest brother, bothers to come over big table of this for a while, your position is too small"
When we walk up Hou, remaining is unique to spread that paper, is an of map, however Hou remaining is unique to point at map to say:"China eldest brother, this is the mother's mainland Anne to receive several nearbies of forests the map of the nation, otherly and still is drawing.
Is this big slice of sphere of influence that is Anne to receive forest at the right bottom Cape, however not so good boundary in the forest, so this be just probably, the monster person totally has five clans, however only divide three greatly one small sphere of influence, most right under depend sea of is tiger clan, right ascend immediately after is a lion clan, left up is a bear clan, left next minimum piece of depend sea of then wing clan and fox clan, Anne receives forest the left side the conjunction arrive Si D Kingdom, Anne's receiving on the above of the forest is a Lai to compare tin Kingdom, currently our hand top only the map of this Three Kingdoms"
I saw ask a way for a while:"That company's road and all countries halt currently how is some personnel's condition?"
Remaining is unique to picked up the document bringing to toward my report at this time of way:"Develop four company's roads currently, Lai compares tin and reach Si D two for each, halt some number as 210 people currently, however the etc. eldest brother comes back to probably also increase, the overhead vouchers all fold a document here in"
The Qi color is good to walk over to start browsing at this time, about tea of time finished seeing
The "is dear, they work really with quiet attention, each eyes divide very clearly, however would not° until divide more hand of thin possible demand of that Mo go, if with them two inside the allotment of one outside will be definitely dead tired" Qi color good suggestion says
"Four elder brother's wives made reference to a point, I and two elder sisters every day from early favour till night, not the work of only this aspect, it are two of us' processings to also have all of board of trades, but under the approval that have no China eldest brother we also not dare to literally hand over to need to be gone out, so want to invite China eldest brother to order the hand of account for us, otherwise at much several nation of words, that we even if don't eat not to sleep to also don't over…………"Remaining is unique to say
"The problem for looking for person I am also pretty nerve-racking, because is second the orchid lift a Si mainland especially that also lacks hand, rather you seek to believe by yourselves of lead of the person come to help and like this do also more easy" I toward remaining unique say
"I know the heart of best China eldest brother, that I go first favour, two elder sisters doesn't want to be used as 2 at my a person, so canning not treat is too long, ah~ to, the ground floor is a treasury, if China eldest brother has interest can be next to see, so~ walked first" remaining was unique to finish saying to be like breeze to similarly run to go out
"The good son is it's yet early now time, that we go out to take a walk" I toward a Qi color good say
"Good oh~take the air!!"The Qi color is good to happily say
The Lai compares tin Kingdom a certain bar
At and a pile of bowl of dish struggled one whole night Hou, remaining was extraordinary black to fix attention on Kuang to lift the hands feeling a tingling sensation before arriving at hall pain of sat down
"Is damned …….Is dead tired I, early know not to stay, really miscalculate ……."Remaining is extraordinary to crumple aching hands, put blame on of say
"Oh~daughter~all wash good ah?I know what you go!"The remaining mother towards saying of remaining extraordinary compliment
"What about old daddy?Don't take me to see the head of"mountain people" head?What about person?"The mother whom remaining is extraordinary to toward remaining asks a way
The head of"" mountain people" head not over there?Silly ㄚ head, ha ha ha~"remaining the mother point at last night lying paralyzed by drinkly an among those" mountain people"say with smile
"Lei~ you put to play me clearly~" remaining extraordinary spirit way
Remaining father comes out at this time Related articles:

