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Some supporters will also dike I, you know now why I didn't agree with the reason that Zhu Li Si becomes an empress at that time ……"
"Master, you how to say like this.Does Zhu Li Si in our house also turn over to deal with his own father?Is impossible!Zhu Li Si is what I take all alone big, she listenned to our words most !"You Li Mei if reaching to have a little isn't happy, left body a husband, the head was partial to a part, the habitual ground sneers at and appears on the face, " isn't to relieve a military power, and then has never let you are from the prime minister position top and bottom, see you frighten into that appearance and spread still not drive those nobility big ministers smile dead!"
"I am a prime minister, Zhu Li Si is an empress.I ain't a prime minister, she still keep being an empress.And hereafter still empress dowager!Our circumstances to her have no direct influence,cheap dr dre beats, this truth you don't understand!?"Pull Wei the rare Er is also lazy to rectify a wife current attitude.Because he also becomes accustomed to, "the emperor his majesty has already had ability control this nation of Be getting theer whole, his Imperial decree goes to high highest, all big minister, nobilities, other parts of country's sealing Jues all has to be unconditional to carry out his order and share his wrong mistake ……"
If"master, you ……" You Li Mei reached to twist a head to see to burst out the color of several exasperations of silk gloomy and deep hatred in husband's eyes.The heart beat all of a sudden one cold Zhan, don't know that the husband in mind and exactly is just thinking now what.
"Master.Ni root Long virtuous duke, admire be willing to count, the card Zhe Lai viscount three adults to see you."The servant appears in front of the living room.
" Say the master wants to take a rest and pleased three adult tomorrows again."You Li Mei if reach to hurriedly shake head.
"Not!Please three adults my den, I come right away later on!If"pull Wei rare Er two eyes put light, emaciatedly body's seeming to be for a while be full of strength, shouted that the ground sat all of a sudden to keep, " You Li Mei reaches, you take a rest first, tomorrow enter a temple to see Zhu Li Si and the orchid Si shell Er gram."
If"……" You Li Mei reached to stare blankly, drive husband this the attitude suddenly changing got a fright and had to slowly and meekly lower the head, "is a ground ……master."
"Prime minister's adult!"Three empire nobilities a see pull Wei the rare Er whole body nightgown stood at the same time to walk into den.
" ……Three adults not good the good accomplishment prepare to spend the New Year stanza at home and see today I have what matter?"Pull Wei the rare Er saw the ex- empire soldier that the look in the eyes feeling falls Mo work book Ni root still Long virtuous duke, seemed to figure out what, but superficially still is carelessly that exhausted feeling.
"Prime minister adult formerly the line far return, true weariness from overwork, I etc. come to call on to send greetings to ducal adult."The empire soldier works vice- big minister to admire be willing to the count smiled to go a salute gift and simultaneously stilled looking at nearby of companion.
Send greetings to?Hum ……pull Wei the rare Er are most clear to these three personalities that work together with the long old friend however of, so to admire be willing to count this time the speak basically not believe and just walk to continue to close the eyes for a rest in own position, "can't so simple, is all old associate, what rubbish keep saying, I now ear return the crest is used."
"Prime minister's adult, my etc. to adult drive the emperor his majesty send back times all very the feeling is unjust, decide the last book emperor his majesty, is prime minister's adult positive!"The empire agriculture works vice- big minister card Zhe Lai viscount Yin to wear a face, facial expression very is excited and bitter.
"Need not thus, emperor his majesty from meeting after the event arbitration, behavior minister son of should follow be."Pull Wei the rare Er Be light to say, but face top at tiny shiver.
"Prime minister's adult also need not thus avoid as taboo too many, that south the line war situation change at that time originally at prime minister adult estimate inside, just the emperor his majesty didn't listen to the speech of adult and just came to several ten thousand crack reply have no, thinking to the battalion is eastern into of, I and prime minister's adult all earnest admonitions emperor his majesty several days, but still have no fruit, this loses war of the responsibility force upon prime minister's adult, in really not satisfactory!"Equally have already been relieved a soldier by the emperor with the reason that fears a war work still book job ground Ni root Long the virtuous ducal complexion is ice-cold, take in eyes endless feel sorry for the Tai of heartache, " thinks the that row Si's tower returns from Lin Si of Pu Luo and lends support to emperor his majesty to destroy completely scheme to revolt an expensive clan, incredibly by leap and bounds was a soldier work still the book be also promoted to marquis and follow behind emperor his majesty expedition at present, pole exert Chan speech, calumny dynasty inside big minister, emperor his majesty one heart the east enter and by all means have to neglect."
"This speech not bad, the this row Si tower was also prime minister's adult to personally promote but rise before and sealed Jue several hundred inside, at present control soldier's right to slight together toward, even slander prime minister's adult, this person necessarily have diagram!"Admiring be willing to the count originally think Ni root position with virtuous Long will transfer oneself the ground is in the body, who know just led a period of time, be gone into exile to return of gram row Si tower and an other parts of country ever sealed Jue to occupy, the in the mind is unbalance most .
"That is the meaning of the emperor his majesty, is it what's wrong?This imperial government officials' job, originally be assist the emperor his majesty processing country government, the his majesty would like to choose who the Wei can choose by heavy responsibility who, there is no reason to be talked, the everybody adult is over-sensitive."Pull Wei the rare Er answer very is equanimity.
"Prime minister's adult, time hears that you haven't returned to emperors all and then wrote a suggestion for emperor his majesty, felt that the emperor his majesty will listen to?"Be familiar with a martial Ni root Long Be virtuous to suddenly ask a sentence.
Pull Wei the rare Er Be long to shout tone, slowly shake, "can advise emperor his majesty don't know, begs his majesties to all divide more saint heart to consider thoughtful."
"Prime minister's adult, you I command troops for several years, if change to do you, I continue to carry out emperor his majesty winter east enter square slightly, how is cure of success?"Ni root the Long Be virtuous and cold to talk.
"Hurt ……" pulls Wei the rare Er miserably smile a , "even if have no sea space to pull virtuous Si, need breeze snow later on, I ten several ten thousand the empire battalions can may fight shortage seven, 80%, but the enemy soldier main force keep Jing falsely the Rui treat me inbound the head has the benefit of weather;Pu Luo Lin Si although the mainland is widely a plain,the river is numerous, the force of the current is complicated, in spring turn snow steppe is more muddy, enemy mainland battle, acquaint with environment, soldier supplies replenishment convenience, don't meet head on to resist can also each big town rove around and our army interleave but war, it again cover benefit it then;Although the rice second Si Kingdom is my empire allies,the troops less keeps off mainland again, soldier the heart morale is necessarily not equal to I empire government troops firmness, if lose slightly and greatly, necessarily have slack the heart of countermarch, and the sea space pull virtuous Si although troops and I central battalion half, mostly it many in the last yearses govern in person crack, will get is also that it promotes all alone, morale of troops firmness, the enemy has a person again with of excellent!"
"Such three benefit sea the space pull virtuous Si to to the utmost have, why emperor his majesty the still stubborn east enter!?"Ni root the Long Be virtuous to excitedly fist a fist, " cold winter breeze snow crack ground, I ten several ten thousand empire government troops knish Qus mutually fight a should be cruel matter in sky and also want to die with enemy to fight, if necessarily hurt undoubtedly, how many empires the government troops cover up bone other place no man ask, if emperor his majesty again the spirit carry on very much mobilizing for the third time, popular support doesn't say, this military expenses, manpower He Lai?Domestic necessarily again is turn everything upside down!"Ni root the Long Be virtuous to deplore greatly.Don't already sigh in sorrow.
"The power caused conflagration has been already become, does prime minister's adult still need to hesitate!?If"the card Zhe Lai is fiercely started to stand, thin smallly the body incredibly did a moving appearance, " emperor his majesty suffer utter defeat, don't know again how much empire the nobility will be blamed on a third party by him to be subjected to a responsibility, light of the deprival feudal title seize entire family belongs have no book, heavy of difficult protect difficult protect!This Sa Er Sen house not just we many empire nobilities first the generation support and adore but rise of, with what he Wei gram Sa Er one person from emperor in Sen house consume to spend lavishly.Keep me waiting to donate meat Gong blood!?"
"Is unbridled, the card Zhe Lai viscount adult doesn't know you say of is greatly negative is the way not!?"Pull the Wei rare Er facial expression is suddenly cold, open eyes to project Yin cold vision, the dead hopeless situation looking at excitedly an associate.
Also"hum, prime minister's adult why says so now, think in those early years first the business of emperor his majesty ……" card Zhe Lai viscount Yin wore a face.It Be not the respectfullly agreeable attitude any more.
The several individuals bodies is all first one Zhan, remember to have several year agos at the same time the emperor is poisoned of affair, particularly admire be willing to count and pull Wei's hoping the facial expression of Er is more difficult to see.
"At that time for the sake of the prospect of empire each very empire nobility house, my etc. wasn't Related articles:

